About us

We are simple folk from Tzimol (‘Tzimoleros‘) who have spent our lives along the river that keeps the cane fields of Tzimol evergreen and nourishes the three waterfalls ‘Las 3 Tzimoleras‘. For generations, we have had the honor of being caretakers of the lands that surround these magical waterfalls.

We have an immense respect for the environment, and now, more than ever, we are committed to maintaining its natural surroundings for generations to come.

We have decided to reveal the wonders of these hidden waterfalls to visitors who share this commitment with us.

We are also extremely proud of the cultural heritage of our little town. We invite visitors to also appreciate our traditional industries such as ‘petate‘ (weaved mats made from palm leaves) and ‘panela‘ (cane sugar blocks) and experience the warm hospitality of our people (Tzimoleros and Tzimoleras)